Wednesday 19 February 2020

Lord Mayor's Column - 19th February 2020

The high winds and heavy rain we experienced at the weekend definitely left their mark. While some parts of Swansea have seen damage and flooding, the rest of the country has suffered some truly devastating consequences.

Despite this, the council have had teams out dealing with the aftermath of the storm, and our staff have worked tirelessly to make our communities secure and to help residents during their time of need.

Together with the emergency services, government agencies, and others, staff worked tirelessly through both recent storms to keep us safe and to deal with any damage. Amongst others they dealt with fallen trees and fencing, flooding, debris, blocked drains, fallen streetlights, doors ripped off and traffic signals blown off posts.

I know too, carers were out ensuring the vulnerable and those in need are looked after. I am grateful to everyone who braved the conditions to look out for friends, relatives and neighbours. It is at times like these, that a real sense of community and kindness emerges and we work together for a common good. Thank you to all involved.

My civic event this week focusses on this kindness and treating others as you would wish them to treat you. Peace Mala has this as their golden rule and encourages positive relationships in our communities.

Peace Mala are raising funds tomorrow evening at the Mansion House to continue their work, not just in Swansea, but across the whole UK. As a result of their engagement with schools and local groups, the important message, that community cohesion, citizenship, and preventing bullying and prejudice helps create a better world, is being heard across many generations and cultures.

These key messages can apply to each and every one of us in all circumstances - kindness and compassion go a long way.

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